A Guide to Implementing the Theory of
Constraints (TOC) |
The Five Focusing Steps – Structured and
Strategic Concepts, just like sports cars or fighter planes,
are often at their leanest, fastest, and greatest maneuverability in their
earliest form. Later on they often
acquire additional bits and pieces that increases their functionality but at
the expense of the initial specification.
The original verbalization of the 5 focusing steps by Goldratt is a
little like the earliest form of a fast and agile sports car. The original verbalization is perfectly
adequate and it should be the one that we refer to most often. There are many people who are quick to
recognize both the tactical and strategic implications of this concept. There are however two more recent re-verbalizations
of the basic 5 focusing steps that suggests that maybe some people have
trouble in initially “seeing” the tactical and strategical duality. Rather than looking past the more immediate
tactical issues to the strategic drivers, they tend to focus and become
“stuck” on the immediate, but overall less important, tactical implications. The 5 focusing steps are without doubt structured
and tactical; but more importantly they are also strategic in intent. Let’s review Goldratt’s original
verbalization and then the subsequent re-verbalizations and see if we can
come to a better understanding of the strategic intent inherent in this
process. Goldratt’s earliest published verbalization of the
five focusing steps is as follows (1); (1) Identify the system’s constraints. (2) Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints. (3) Subordinate everything else to the above decision. (4) Elevate the system’s constraints. (5) If in the previous steps a
constraint has been broken Go back to step 1, but do not allow
inertia to cause a system constraint. We drew a slight modification of this verbalization
on the Process of Change page replacing “go back” with “don’t stop” and
adding a plural to step 3, to arrive at the following; (1) Identify the system’s constraints. (2) Decide how to Exploit the system’s constraints. (3) Subordinate everything else
to the above decisions. (4) Elevate the system’s constraints. (5) If in the previous steps a
constraint has been broken Go back to step 1, but do not allow
inertia to cause a system constraint.
In other words; Don’t Stop We called the 5 focusing steps or the focusing process
our “plan of attack.” Then on the
Evaluating Change page we started to “subdivide” the process into strategic
and tactical aspects. Lets redraw the diagram that we produced.
There are however two messages inherent in the
discussion on the focusing process on the Evaluating Change page. The first message is that some tactical
issues are so simple and so cheap that we should just go out and do them
immediately. The change that is
brought about by this exploitation is often large as well as very rapid. The second message is that even while we are
acting upon these easy leverage points, we should also have in mind where we
would like the constraints to reside once the system has “settled” down –
once the system has been through a couple of iterations of
exploit-subordinate-elevate. In other
words; how can we design the system to maximize the goal of the system. This brings
us to the first re-verbalization. Robert Newbold offered a re-verbalization of the 5
focusing steps that firstly recasts the constraints as leverage points, and
secondly better explains the strategic nature (2); (1) Select the leverage point(s). (2) Exploit the leverage point(s). (3) Subordinate everything else to the above decisions. (4) Elevate the leverage point(s). (5) Before making any significant
changes, Evaluate whether the leverage
point(s) will and should stay the same. Newbold argues; “We want to be proactive in
controlling where the leverage points are and where the focus of the
organization is. This doesn’t mean we
stop improving; it means we control the improvement process much better. The implications of this change are
far-reaching. Since the leverage
points have been selected on a strategic basis, any temporary constraints
that arise must be eliminated as a matter of policy. There must be a new organizational policy
that reads as follows: Identify, evaluate and,
most likely, eliminate any constraints that have not been selected.” This approach of evaluate and eliminate any
constraints that have not been selected as the strategic constraint is
essentially a subroutine to ensure adequate subordination of potentially
emergent near-capacity constraints; subordinated that is, with respect to the
selected strategic constraint. We can draw a model of this verbalization as
Let’s digress for a moment into the semantics of
this situation. We can’t by definition
exploit a non-constraint, so Newbold’s choice of eliminate is apt. If we left a non-constraint or a
near-capacity constraint long enough that it impinged upon the strategic
constraint, then it would indeed become the constraint for a short period and
we could exploit or better still elevate it until is was once more
subordinate to the strategic constraint.
Of course we don’t want this situation to arise and so we must
proactively elevate the incipient near-capacity constraint or non-constraint
and ensure continued subordination.
Thus evaluate and eliminate expresses this subordination loop well. Newbold’s verbalization makes the strategic
intent explicit. However, there is
another more recent attempt, lets look at this next. More recently Schragenheim has also offered a
re-verbalization of the 5 focusing steps in order to make its strategic
nature more explicit (3). We swap back
from “leverage points” to “constraints.”
The verbalization is a follows; (1) Identify the system's constraints. (2) If a constraint can be immediately
removed without large investments, do it now and go back to Step 1. If not, devise a way to Exploit the system's constraints. (3) Subordinate everything else to the above decisions. (4) Evaluate alternative ways to elevate one or more of the
constraints. Predict the future constraints and their impact on the
global performance by theoretically employing the first 3 steps. Execute the way you have chosen to Elevate the current
constraints. (5) Go back to Step 1.
The actual constraints may be different from what you expected ‑
beware of inertia in the identification of the constraints. As Schragenheim explains; “Step 4 has been expanded
to express its strategic meaning.
Without this expanded definition, TOC can be easily regarded as a
tactical managerial approach rather than a long-term, strategic approach.” Let’s try and redraw our model according to
Schragenheim’s verbalization.
Both of the more recent re-verbalizations supplement
the original verbalization in making the strategic intent more explicit. In addition both complement each other in
the areas that they stress. In
Newbold’s verbalization the role of the non-constraints is explicit. In Schragenheim’s verbalization the role of
the non-constraints is implicit. In
Schragenheim’s verbalization the testing of multiple potential pathways is
explicit – “predict;” in Newbold’s verbalization the existence of such choice
is more implicit – “select.” In
isolation either verbalization is more than adequate. Together they are much more powerful. What to do then?
Newbold has put forth an important consideration in the development of
strategic constraints – ensuring near-capacity constraints and
non-constraints do not unintentionally become the constraint. We know how to guard against this using
buffer management. Buffer management
allows us to ensure the elimination of potential near-capacity constraints
and that they remain subordinated to the strategic constraint by timely and
appropriate action and maybe expenditure. On the other hand Schragenheim has also expressed
the same notion but in terms of the constraints only. And certainly the 5 focusing steps is a
constraint-based focusing process.
There seem to be elements from both verbalizations that are
desirable. Well, the temptation is too
great. We have a simple and robust
model to work with. Let’s try and
synthesize both Newbold and Schragenheim’s approaches into one. Let’s see what we can come up with.
The important points to remember are that we can break
constraints early on and at low or no additional expenditure, and also later
on as a consequence of considered analysis and maybe capital expenditure as
well. We must remember also to
simultaneously consider both the chosen or potential strategic constraint and
all of the actual and potential near-capacity non-constraints which we don’t
wish to become constraints. We need to recognize that implicit in Goldratt’s
original verbalization is a level of detail that makes the 5 focusing steps
not just tactical but absolutely strategic as well. The two more recent re-verbalizations are
attempts to illustrate and explain this detail and to ensure that an a priori view of the process as tactical does not become
an obstacle to further learning. Page back up to Goldratt’s verbalization. Consider that “identify” means elements of
both identify and select – passive and active. Consider that “exploit” and “subordinate”
can contain both short-term (immediate) cash-less decisions and longer term
(non-immediate) cash-required decisions. More importantly consider that the 4th step
“elevate” contains a special richness.
There are two looping structures that we can invoke here; one is
almost passive and the other is active.
The active loop is the constraint loop; early on the constraints will
“present” themselves in rapid succession, but later on we can make a
considered decision – a strategic choice – about where we wish it to be. We do this based upon our desire to move
the system towards the goal of the system.
Consider then that “elevate” means also “evaluate” and “predict” as
well. We evaluate a number of possible
pathways and predict the future outcomes before selecting a single pathway to
elevate and follow. The passive loop is the non-constraint loop. It is passive in the sense that once a
strategic constraint has been selected – either recently or in the distant
past – then the maintenance of non-constraint sprint capacity and therefore
sufficient subordination is the major concern. So, once again, we must evaluate and
predict – this time for the non-constraints. Of course the world is messy and we are massively
parallel in our thinking so all of this occurs mixed up in execution. (1) Goldratt, E. M., (1990) What is this thing
called Theory of Constraints and how should it be implemented? North River Press, pp 3-21. (2) Newbold, R. C., (1998) Project management in the
fast lane: applying the Theory of Constraints. St. Lucie Press, pp 147-155. (3) Schragenheim, E., (1999) Management dilemmas:
the Theory of Constraints approach to problem identification and
solutions. St. Lucie Press, pp 5-7. This Webpage Copyright © 2003-2009 by Dr K. J.
Youngman |